Thursday 9 May 2013

Advice symbols of Lung Cancer

Advice Symbols of Lung Cancer:

Lung cancer is now one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the world. It is usually associated with heavy smokers, but now has become a major concern for both occasional smokers and non-smokers alike. Lung cancer now kills more than twice the number of women than breast cancer kills, and is also found to be a lot more common in men than prostate cancer. Recent research showed women are 1.5 times more at risk of being diagnosed with the disease than men are, even though they smoke less.
Lung Cancer takes many years to develop in the body with its symptoms often over-looked by many. When the disease is finally diagnosed, it is usually found to be at a late stage. This late stage is the main reason for its high mortality rate throughout the world. However, lung cancer has many obvious signs when it is present, together with many more subtle signs. These more subtle signs are often detected at a later stage than the more obvious ones.
Warning Signs
1. One main sign is a persistent cough (smokers cough) that does not go away. This usually gets attributed to something else, or may even be accepted as just one of the side effects of smoking. Long persistent coughs should always be checked out by a doctor.
2. Coughing up small amounts of blood is another sign of lung cancer, although not always, as it can often be attributed to other conditions. Either way it is not normal and should once again is checked out at an early stage.
3. Wheezing and shortness of breath are often over-looked signs that simply get put down to either being a little out of trim or slightly overweight. Even a sufferer may think that it is something to do with getting a little older.
4. Constant rather than intermittent pains in the chest, shoulders and back are again over-looked signs of lung cancer. These usually get put down to the after effects of playing football, doing exercise, or even working excessively.
5. Continued and excessive tiredness even after a good night’s sleep are often symptoms of the disease too. A doctor should be seen when the tiredness cannot be explained, especially if one’s lifestyle does not justify it.
6. A notable weight loss when eating normally should be another cause for concern, as lung cancer causes a change in the body’s metabolism. This may be welcomed at first especially if one is of a chubby build, but if excessive, should be checked out.
7. Recurrent chest infections or pneumonia are signs that the airways may be blocked, usually caused by small spots growing on the inside of the tubes which are associated with cancer. Overtime these small spots can grow into malignant tumors.
If you have any of the above signs, an appointment should be made to see a doctor as early as possible. If the doctor is unable to reassure as to the reasons why these signs are present, it is recommended that a second or even third opinion be sought.


Tuesday 12 February 2013

Take Lung Cancer


 Take lung cancer - just a cough and thin enough?

Lung cancer is a common disease in the western world, and it is common and well known in the world. How do you know if you have a cough is just that - a cough, and not something more serious, such as lung cancer? Each year more than one million deaths from lung cancer. How can you ensure that you are not one of these statistics?
Lung cancer is a difficult disease to diagnose. The true signs of the disease are usually not visible until it is almost too late to heal. The disease itself is an attack against the cells of the lung. They may be prone to one or both lungs, but no matter where to start, the disease can spread rapidly from the lungs to the lymph nodes (lymphoma) and other sensitive organs of the body. The cancer may also spread in the opposite direction. Our lungs spongy cover a large part of our upper body and "soft" is what helps create an ideal environment for the disease. The separating walls of the pulmonary tissue of blood for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in a complex cycle are very low. When cells become cancerous lungs, they may be able to get into the bloodstream and eventually leads to various organs and tissues in the body.

Snuff consumption risk factor and advertising that is for most people taught regularly in an effort to avoid the risk of contracting the disease, such as smoking is considered to be the main cause of lung cancer. Although the risk factors might be easier to infer current symptoms of lung cancer are not as easy to diagnose the disease. Many symptoms are simply indications that can be seen on any given day, a number of people, with a number of minor problems.
So how can you tell the difference? Is a "first to know?" If a person is the occasional cough or cold, but over time, a cough and / or runny nose are common and difficult to treat, the possibility of disease. If a cough with a loss of appetite or weight gain is paired, while spitting of blood or a change in the voice, which is not explained, the advice of a doctor should be sought. The same way as blood in the urine or faces appear can be a symptom of cancer of the colon or rectum, the presence of blood in the breast are breathing and cough can be a symptom of lung cancer.
Since most of the symptoms of lung cancer difficult to decipher, a radiological examination with a healthy diet that are not smoking, are the best measures to keep the cough as "just a cough", but any concerns that you should have to be referred to a doctor as soon as possible.

Rather poor lung

Take Lung Cancer